1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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March 2024

An off the scale 30 minute calorie burner that will leave you feeling more energised than ever - and with the added benefit that you'll continue burning those calories for up to 24 hours afterwards! Combining HIIT training, metabolic resistance training,

Circuits, sprints, HIIT, functional - this class has got them all! Move from station to station, raising the intensity with every round. High volume, low resistance, short rest intervals all results in super impressive muscle tone and definition whilst shooting your

Our Hatha Yoga sessions draw a focus upon strength and mindfulness with various different poses to work on your strength and flexibility whilst being in a relaxed state of mind. This class is very inclusive, suitable for beginners and the more