1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Boogie Bounce is a complete exercise program performed on a mini trampoline with Patented T-Bar Handle. The program consists of a highly effective H.I.I.T cardio section followed by a toning section, working bums, tums and thighs. Every muscle in the

The fitness endurance race, which blends short runs and the kind of fitness movements you find in many gym workouts, launched in Germany in 2017 with one event and 650 participants. Now it’s in 17 countries across the world, with

Ab Attack Welcome to Ab Attack, the ultimate core-strengthening class designed to sculpt, strengthen, and redefine your midsection. Our expertly crafted sessions target every angle of your abdominal muscles, delivering an intense, full-body workout that goes beyond the surface. Class Overview: Duration: 45

Held in nature's gym - the great outdoors! Here at Snarlton Farm, you will boost your health, your fitness and your fat burning potential. Not only will you experience greater feelings of revitalisation and increased energy from training outdoors, you will