1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Personal training gets results – guaranteed!

Together, we will set structured and achievable goals and you will be provided with a bespoke personal training and nutrition plan that is 100% personal to you and your goals. 

The process starts with a detailed consultation, followed by a monthly targeted exercise programme, nutritional advice and programme, round the clock support and monitoring.

Our approach is to make your training sessions fun and enjoyable, whilst training you to your limits and taking you out of your comfort zone. We will concentrate on getting results for whatever is important to you, whether that be weight loss, strength, endurance, body conditioning, muscle building or a mixture of them all and more. 

We will encourage, motivate and support you towards a healthier, happier, fitter you!

We aim to be as flexible as possible, ensuring that training fits into your requirements and schedule. There are no barriers to training – you can even bring your dog along if we are working outdoors!



Programmes tailored specifically for you. Guaranteed to be enjoyable, positive, motivating and challenging. All one to one packages will include consultation and assessment, a specific goal orientated training plan and nutritional advice, food diary analysis, periodic assessments and unlimited email/text support and advice.

30 minute session £20

1 hour session £30

6 x 1 hour sessions £165

12 x 1 hour sessions £330


Online personal training saves you time and gives you the flexibility to train wherever and whenever you want. You will receive the same benefits as above but all via zoom and online links to work around you, your schedule and your commitments.

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